Kentico CMS 6.0 Controls



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As it is inherited from the BasicDataList control, the QueryDataList control has all of its properties. These can be found in the BasicDataList -> Configuration topic.


In addition, it has all of the following properties that can be set or used in the API:


CMSBase - common properties

CMS Custom query - common properties


As well as:


Property Name


Sample Value


Name of the transformation applied to alternating items in format <document type code name>.<transformation name>.


Indicates whether the built-in DataPager control should be used to page the list.


This property does not affect the UniPager control, which must be added separately if you wish to use it.


Indicates whether the current data source contains the selected item.


This property can be used to set or get the pager control and its properties.


Gets or sets the column name that should be used to select items.


Name of the transformation applied to the selected item in format <document type code name>.<transformation name>.


Gets or sets the query string key name. The presence of the key in a query string indicates, that some item should be selected. The item is determined by the value of the query string key.


Gets or sets the validation type used for the query string key that determines which item is selected.





Indicates if edit and delete buttons should automatically be shown for each displayed item in the edit mode of CMS Desk.


Name of the transformation applied to standard items in format <document type code name>.<transformation name>.