Kentico CMS 6.0 Controls



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The following properties of the CMSBreadCrumbs control can be set or used in the API:


All of the common properties from:


CMS controls - common properties

CMS navigation - common properties


In addition, the following properties are available:


Property Name


Sample Value


Character(s) that separate the bread crumbs. You can use HTML code here.



Character(s) that separate the bread crumbs in RTL mode. You can use HTML code here.



Sets a default path that will be displayed in the breadcrumbs if no path is provided from the current page context.



Indicates whether the items in the breadcrumbs should be HTML encoded.



The ShowInNavigation document property is ignored if this property is true.



Indicates whether data for the control should be loaded automatically. By default, the data is loaded automatically.


If you set this property to false, you can enter a custom DataSet into the DataSource property and then call the ReloadData(false) method.



Allows you to get or set the HTML code rendered by the control.


You need to set this property before the Render event - e.g. in the OnLoad event.



Specifies if the document name should be rendered as a TITLE tag of links (for better accessibility).



Indicates if the current (last) item should be displayed. True by default.



Indicates if the current (last) item should be displayed as a link. False by default.



Selects the document from which the path in the breadcrumbs will be displayed. Enter / (root document) to have the breadcrumbs display the full website path.


For example, if you set this value to /News and go to /News/Events/2010, the breadcrumbs will display only Events -> 2010.



Specifies the target frame for all links generated by the breadcrumbs.



Indicates whether the bread crumbs should be rendered in the RTL direction for specific languages.



Mentioned method:


Method Name


ReloadData(bool forceLoad)

Reloads the data.


If the forceLoad parameter is set to false and a value is assigned to the DataSource property, the properties of the CMSBreadCrumbs control are not used and only the data from the DataSource is loaded.