Product options

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You can manage product options at Kentico CMS Desk -> Tools -> E- commerce -> Product options.


Here you can either create a new option category by clicking the AddNewCategory New category link or Edit (Edit) and Delete (Delete) the existing one.


Every option category has following properties:




Category name - category name displayed to the customer

Selection type - type of selection, a customer use to choose the product option

Display price - if enabled, product option prices will be displayed next to product options

Default option(s) product options which are selected by default before a customer chooses  their own one(s)

Description - the description of the category as it is visible to customers

Default record text - the caption of the default option, which is added to the product options collection

Enabled - indicates if the category is enabled



Here you can either add a new product option to the current option category by clicking the AddNewProductOption New product option link or you can Edit (Edit) or Delete (Delete) existing options or change their succession (Up), (Down) within the current option category.


Product options have the same properties as Products with the exception of the volume discounts which cannot be assigned (as well as discount coupon) to a product option.


On contrary with the product price, the product option price can be negative. The product option price is the amount that is either added to or subtracted from the given product price. The product option is sold as an addition to the given product, not as its replacement. If certain discount level applies to the given customer, this discount level applies for the chosen product option as well.


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