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This class manages the orders. It uses the OrderInfo class.


object GetOrderInfo(int orderId) – returns the OrderInfo object selected by order ID.
void SetOrderInfo(object order) – updates/inserts the order record based on the given OrderInfo object. If OrderID is set, updates the record, else inserts a new one.
void DeleteOrderInfo(int orderId) – deletes the specified order record.
DataSet GetOrders() – returns the DataSet with the orders. See Database Reference for column details.
DataSet GetOrders(string where, string orderBy) – returns the DataSet of column orders with given condition and order.
DataSet GetOrderList() – returns the DataSet of the orders data joined with their customer, status and currency data.
DataSet GetOrderList(string where, string orderBy) – returns the order list DataSet with given condition and order.
string GetInvoice(int orderId, int siteId) – returns the HTML code of an order invoice.
string GetPaymentOption(int paymentId) – returns the HTML code for the payment option.
string GetShippingOption(int shippingId) – returns the HTML code for the shipping option.
string GetAddress(int addressId) – returns the HTML code for the given address.
string GetInvoiceNumber(object order) – returns HTML code for the invoice number.
string GetOrderDate(object order) – returns the HTML code for the order date.
string GetOrderNote(object order) – returns the HTML code for the order note
string GetTaxRegistrationID(object customerObj) - returns HTML code for the customer tax registration ID
string GetOrganizationID(object customerObj) - returns HTML code for the customer organization ID
string GetTotalShipping(double value, object currency)returns the HTML code for the total shipping
string GetTotalPrice(double value, object currency) – returns the HTML code for the total price
string GetProductList(DataTable dt, object currency, bool renderDiscount) – returns the HTML code for the product list (by default simple table of order items).
string GetTaxRecapitulation(DataTable dt, object currency) – returns the HTML code for the tax recapitulation (by default table of the tax summary).
void SendOrderNotificationToCustomer(object cartObj) – sends the order e-mail notification to the customer.
void SendOrderNotificationToAdministrator(object cartObj) – sends the order e-mail notification to the administrator.
void SendOrderPaymentNotificationToCustomer(object cartObj) – sends the order payment e-mail notification to the customer.
void SendOrderPaymentNotificationToAdministrator(object cartObj) – sends the order payment e-mail notification to the administrator.
public void SendOrderStatusNotificationToAdministrator(object cartObj) – sends the e-mail notification to administrator about new order status of the specified order.
public void SendOrderStatusNotificationToCustomer(object cartObj) – sends the e-mail notification to customer about new order status of the specified order.


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