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This class works with exchange rates. It uses the CMS.Ecommerce.ExchangeTableInfo class.


object GetExchangeTableInfo(int exchangeTableId) – returns the ExchangeTableInfo object selected by given table ID.
object GetExchangeTableInfo(string tableName) - returns the ExchangeTableInfo object selected by given table name.
void SetExchangeTableInfo(object exchangeTable) – updates the exchange table record based on given ExchangeTableInfo object data. If ExchangeTableID is set, updates the record, else inserts a new one.
void DeleteExchangeTableInfo(int exchangeTableId) – deletes the exchange table.
DataSet GetRatesByTableID(int tableId) – returns the DataSet of exchange rates for given table ID.
void DeleteRateByRateId(int currencyId, int tableId) - deletes specified currency exchange rate from exchange table.
void SetRateByRateId(int rateId, int CurrencyId, double rateValue, int tableId) – sets the specified rate value.
object GetLastValidExchangeTableInfo() – returns ExchangeTableInfo object that was last valid.
double ApplyExchangeRate(double value, double exchangeRate) – applies the exchange rate to the given price. By default resulting_price = original_price / exchange_rate.
DataSet GetExchangeTables() – returns the DataSet of all the exchange tables. See database reference for column details.
DataSet GetExchangeTables(string where, string orderBy) – returns the DataSet of exchange tables selected with given condition and order.


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