Creating a new form

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In this topics, we will create a new sample BizForm via the BizForms module's user interface. This topic doesn't explain all options that are available in the user interface. For a detailed description of each option, please refer to the built-in context help, which is accessible by clicking the Help icon in the top-right corner of the user interface.


1. Go to CMS Desk -> Tools -> BizForms and click the NewBizForm New form link. Enter the following details:


Form display name: Event registration
Form code name: EventRegistration
Table name: Form_EventRegistration


Click OK.


2. You will be redirected to the General tab of the new BizForm's editing interface. Enter the following values:


Display text: Thank you for your registration. We will confirm it shortly by e-mail.
Submit button text: Register


Click OK.




3. Now we will define the form fields. Go to the Fields tab. Add the following fields using the Add attribute (AddWebPart) button. For each field, enter the values, click OK and repeat the procedure until you have all the listed fields defined.


Column name: FirstName
Show on public form: enabled
Field caption: First name
Field type: Text box
Maximum length: 100
Allow empty value: disabled


Column name: LastName
Show on public form: enabled
Field caption: Last name
Field type: TextBox
Maximum length: 100
Allow empty value: disabled


Column name: Phone
Show on public form: enabled
Field caption: Phone
Field type: U.S. phone number
Maximum length: 14
Allow empty value: enabled


Column name: Email
Show on public form: enabled
Field caption: E-mail
Field type: E-mail
Maximum length: 100
Allow empty value: disabled


Column name: Presentations
Show on public form: enabled
Field caption: Presentations you want to visit
Field type: Multiple choice

WPF;Windows Presentation Foundation

Allow empty value: enabled


4. The last item will be used only by site editors to mark the processed registration forms. This will be done exclusively via the user interface. Therefore, it has the Show on public form property disabled.


Column name: RegistrationProcessed
Show on public form: disabled
Field caption: Registration processed
Field type: Check box
Allow empty value: enabled




5. With all the fields defined, the form is ready to be published on the live site. This can be done several different ways, all of which are described in the Displaying a form on the live site topic.




Please note


If you click the Switch to advanced mode link below the field editor, extended user interface will be displayed. There you can configure additional options such as input validation rules or CSS classes used for the fields.



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