This class manages the shopping cart items. It uses the ShoppingCartItemInfo class.
• | object GetShoppingCartItemInfo(Guid cartItemGuid)- returns ShoppingCartItemInfo object with given GUID. |
• | object GetShoppingCartItemInfo(int cartItemId) - returns ShoppingCartItemInfo object with given ID. |
• | void DeleteShoppingCartItem(Guid cartItemGuid) – deletes the shopping cart item with given GUID. |
• | void DeleteShoppingCartItem(int cartItemId) – deletes the shopping cart item with given ID. |
• | void SetShoppingCartItemInfo(object cartItem) - updates/inserts the shopping cart item with data from given ShoppingCartItemInfo object. |
• | void SetShoppingCartItems(ArrayList cartItems) - updates/inserts all the shopping cart items with data from given list items. |
• | DataSet GetShoppingCartItems(int cartId) – returns the DataSet of all shopping cart items including their SKU data of the specified shopping cart. |
• | DataSet GetShoppingCartItemsFromOrder(int orderId) – returns the DataSet of all shopping cart items including their SKU data of the specified order. |
• | ArrayList GetShoppingCartItemList(int cartId) - returns the list of the ShoppingCartItemInfo objects from the specified shopping cart. |
• | ArrayList GetShoppingCartItemListFromOrder(int orderId) - returns the list of the ShoppingCartItemInfo objects created from the order items of the specified order. |
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