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This class works with customer information. It uses the CMS.Ecommerce.CustomerInfo class.


object GetCustomerInfo(int customerId) – returns the CustomerInfo object by customer ID.
object GetCustomerInfoByUserId(int userId) – returns the CustomerInfo object for the registered user with specified user ID. Please note that registered customers are connected to corresponding CMS_User records. This couple ensures proper authentication and shopping cart privacy. Anonymous customers do not have their corresponding CMS_User record and are strictly used for one-time orders.
object GetCustomerInfo(Guid customerGuid) – Returns the CustomerInfo object selected by customer GUID.
void SetCustomerInfo(object customer)updates or inserts the customer database record using given CustomerInfo object data. If CustomerID is set, update is performed, else new record is inserted.
void DeleteCustomerInfo(int customerId) – deletes the customer record specified by its customer ID.
bool CheckDependencies(int customerId) – returns true if some objects depend on the record with given customer ID.
DataSet GetCustomers() – returns the DataSet with all customers. Please see the database reference for columns and their types.
DataSet GetCustomers(string where, string orderBy) – returns the DataSet of all customers selected with given WHERE condition and ORDER BY clause.
DataSet GetCustomersList() – returns the DataSet with customers joined with their Country and State data, see View_COM_Customer_Joined view for the required result columns.
DataSet GetCustomersList(string where, string orderBy) – returns the customer list as a DataSet selected by given WHERE condition and ORDER BY specification.


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