Top N products by sale

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The Top N products by sale web part displays the top N best-selling products. The best-selling products are chosen according to the frequency of their occurrence in customers' orders, not according to the total volume of sales.


For instance, if a customer buys 10 items of the product A and 2 items of the product B and a second customer buys 4 items of the product B, the product B is evaluated as the best-selling.


You can modify the functionality of Top N products by sale by setting following properties in the Web Part properties dialog:




Content filter main properties



Path of the documents to be displayed.

Document types

Types of documents that should be displayed, separated with a semicolon (;).

Select top N products

Indicates how many best-selling products should be displayed.

WHERE condition

WHERE part of the SELECT query.

ORDER BY expression

ORDER BY part of the SELECT query.


Transformations main properties


Transformation name

Transformation used in the list view mode.





On the sample E-commerce site at the Products page, the Top N products by sale web part is configured to display 4 products at most from the currently chosen products category. Its properties are set to the following values:


Show for document types:  CMS.MenuItem

The given web part is displayed only in CMS.MenuItem documents. On the sample E-commerce site, the given web part is therefore displayed only in the list of products of a chosen category and is hidden in the product detail.


Path: ./%

Only best-selling products from the currently selected category are displayed. For more information about the path expressions please refer to Appendix B - Path expressions chapter in Kentico CMS Developer's Guide.


Select top N products: 4

The maximum of 4 best-selling products is displayed.


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