Payment methods

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You can manage payment methods at Kentico CMS Desk -> Tools -> E- commerce -> Configuration -> Payment methods. Every payment method has the following properties:


- Payment method display name – Friendly name (localizable string or simple text) displayed to the users.

- Payment method code name – Unique identifier which must be unique within all of the site payment methods.

- Enabled – Indicates if payment method could be used for payment.

- Payment gateway URL - External payment gateway url or relative path to your document controlled by the Kentico CMS which represents your        custom payment processor. It can be parameterized with data macros to evaluate the data fields of the order and related objects.



The following example shows how you can insert finished order ID and customer billing address state code to the payment url, however, you can get any value from the related objects. See Kentico CMS Database Reference for detailed column listing of the objects:{%Order.OrderId%}&state={%BillingAddress.State.StateCode%}




Displays the value of specified order data column (COM_Order)


Displays the value of specified shopping cart data column (COM_ShoppingCart)


Displays the value of specified order status data column (COM_OrderStatus)


Displays the value of specified billing address data column (COM_Address)


Displays the value of specified billing address country data column (CMS_Country)


Displays the value of specified billing address state data column (CMS_State)


Displays the value of specified shipping address data column (COM_Address)


Displays the value of specified shipping address country data column (CMS_Country)


Displays the value of specified shipping address state data column (CMS_State)


Displays the value of specified company address data column (COM_Address)


Displays the value of specified company address country data column (CMS_Country)


Displays the value of specified company address state data column (CMS_State)


Displays the value of specified shipping option data column (COM_ShippingOption)


Displays the value of specified payment option data column (COM_PaymentOption)


Displays the value of specified currency data column (COM_Currency)


Displays the value of specified customer data column (COM_Customer)


Displays the value of specified discount coupon data column (COM_DiscountCoupon)


- Payment gateway assembly name – Name of a library which includes your payment gateway class inside.

- Payment gateway class name – Name of a class which represents your custom payment gateway processor.

- Order status when payment succeeds – Order status which is set to the existing order when its payment succeeds.

- Order status when payment fails – Order status which is set to the existing order when its payment fails.


Please note: the offered payment methods depend on the chosen shipping option. You need to specify this relationship when editing required shipping option. If there is no enabled shipping option all payment methods are offered.


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