This class manages the tax classes. It uses the TaxClassInfo and TaxClassCountryInfo classes.
• | object GetTaxClassInfo(int taxClassId) – returns the TaxClassInfo object with given ID. |
• | object GetTaxClassInfo(string taxClassName) – returns the TaxClassInfo object with given name. |
• | void SetTaxClassInfo(object taxClass) – updates/inserts the tax class record with data from given TaxClassInfo object. If TaxClassID is set, updates, else inserts a new record. |
• | void DeleteTaxClassInfo(int taxClassId) – deletes specified tax class record. |
• | DataSet GetTaxClasses() – returns the DataSet of all the tax classes. See database reference for detailed column information. |
• | DataSet GetTaxClasses(string where, string orderBy) – returns the DataSet of tax classes with selection condition and order. |
• | void SetTaxClassCountryInfo(object taxClassCountry) – updates/inserts the tax class country record. If IDs are set, updates, else inserts a new record. |
• | void DeleteTaxClassCountryInfo(int taxClassCountryId, int taxClassId) – deletes specified tax class country record. |
• | object GetTaxClassCountryInfo(int taxClassCountryId, int taxClassId) – returns the TaxClassCountyInfo object for given tax class and country. |
• | DataSet GetTaxClassCountries(int taxClassId) – returns the DataSet of all the countries assigned to the given tax class. |
• | DataSet GetTaxClassesForCart(object cartInfo) – returns the DataSet of all the classes used within the given ShoppingCartInfo object. |
• | DataSet GetTaxClassesForCart(object cartInfo, string where) - returns the DataSet of all the country tax classes used within the given ShoppingCartInfo object. |
• | void AddTaxClassToSKU(int taxClassId, int skuId) – assigns the given tax class to the specified product. |
• | void RemoveTaxClassFromSKU(int taxClassId, int skuId) – removes the tax class binding from the specified product. |
• | bool IsTaxClassAssignedToSKU(int taxClassId, int skuId) – returns true if the product is assigned for the given tax class. |
• | DataSet GetSKUTaxClasses(int skuId) – returns the DataSet of tax classes assigned to given product. |
• | void SetTaxClassStateInfo(object taxClassState) - saves the information about assignment of the state to the tax class. |
• | void DeleteTaxClassStateInfo(int stateId, int taxClassId) - removes the state from the given tax class. |
• | DataSet GetTaxClassStates(int taxClassId, int countryId) - returns DataSet with states of the given country assigned to the given tax class. |
• | DataSet GetStateTaxClassesForCart(object cartInfo) - returns the DataSet of all the state tax classes used within the given ShoppingCartInfo object. |
• | DataSet GetStateTaxClassesForCart(object cartInfo, string where) - returns the DataSet of all the state tax classes used within the given ShoppingCartInfo object. |
• | DataSet GetAllCountriesWithStates() - returns the DataSet of all the countries which have some states. |
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