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This class manages the shopping cart items. It uses the ShoppingCartItemInfo class.


object GetShoppingCartItemInfo(Guid cartItemGuid)- returns ShoppingCartItemInfo object with given GUID.
object GetShoppingCartItemInfo(int cartItemId) - returns ShoppingCartItemInfo object with given ID.
void DeleteShoppingCartItem(Guid cartItemGuid)deletes the shopping cart item with given GUID.
void DeleteShoppingCartItem(int cartItemId)deletes the shopping cart item with given ID.
void SetShoppingCartItemInfo(object cartItem) - updates/inserts the shopping cart item with data from given ShoppingCartItemInfo object.
void SetShoppingCartItems(ArrayList cartItems) - updates/inserts all the shopping cart items with data from given list items.
DataSet GetShoppingCartItems(int cartId)returns the DataSet of all shopping cart items including their SKU data of the specified shopping cart.
DataSet GetShoppingCartItemsFromOrder(int orderId)returns the DataSet of all shopping cart items including their SKU data of the specified order.
ArrayList GetShoppingCartItemList(int cartId) - returns the list of the ShoppingCartItemInfo objects from the specified shopping cart.
ArrayList GetShoppingCartItemListFromOrder(int orderId) - returns the list of the ShoppingCartItemInfo objects created from the order items of the specified order.


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