The E-commerce module allows you to override the default behavior and calculations by using custom providers that ensure various operations.
How does it work?
For more information please refer to the Using custom providers chapter.
The following example shows the way of customizing the calculation of the shipping cost by modifying the CMS.CustomECommerceProvider.CustomShippingOptionInfoProvider.CalculateShipping method. Similarly, you can modify any method of any class from the CMS.CustomECommerceProvider library. All the methods that can be customized call by default the equivalent methods from the CMS.CMSEcommerce namespace. This ensures the standard behaviour in the case the given method is not modified and the using custom e-commerce provider is enabled at the same time.
1. The default code of the CMS.CustomECommerceProvider.CustomShippingOptionInfoProvider.CalculateShipping method.
public double CalculateShipping(object cartObj, string siteName) { return CMS.CMSEcommerce.ShippingOptionInfoProvider.CalculateShipping((CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo)cartObj, siteName); } |
2. The customized code of the CMS.CustomECommerceProvider.CustomShippingOptionInfoProvider.CalculateShipping method
using CMS.Ecommerce; using CMS.SettingsProvider; using CMS.SiteProvider;
public double CalculateShipping(object cartObj, string siteName) {
CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo cart = cartObj as CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo; if (cart != null) { if ((cart.UserInfoObj != null) && (cart.UserInfoObj.IsInRole("VIPCutomers", siteName))) { // Free shipping for VIP customers return 0; } else { // Get shipping address details CMS.Ecommerce.AddressInfo address = CMS.Ecommerce.AddressInfoProvider.GetAddressInfo(cart.ShoppingCartShippingAddressID); if (address != null) { // Get shipping address country CountryInfo country = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo(address.AddressCountryID); if ((country != null) && (country.CountryName.ToLower() != "usa")) { // Add an extra charge to standard shipping price for non-usa customers double extraCharge = SettingsKeyProvider.GetDoubleValue("ShippingExtraCharge"); return CMS.CMSEcommerce.ShippingOptionInfoProvider.CalculateShipping(cart, siteName) + extraCharge; } } } }
// Get standard shipping price in other cases return CMS.CMSEcommerce.ShippingOptionInfoProvider.CalculateShipping(cart, siteName); } |
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