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The store may offer goods for prices in several currencies. The available currencies can be managed at Kentico CMS Desk -> Tools -> E- commerce -> Configuration -> Currencies.


How to configure currencies


1. Enter all currencies you will use and delete or disable (uncheck the box Enabled) the currencies that you do now want to use. You will need to enter the following properties:
 - Currency display name - the friendly name displayed to site visitors
 - Currency code name - the code name used by developers
 - Currency code - the official code of the currency used in exchange rates
           - Currency formatting string - the format used to display amounts in the give currency - use {0} expression to insert the value into the formatting text
 - Significant digits - the number of digits in the price that will be used in the total amount. The value will be rounded if the actual number of decimal digits is higher

- Enabled - indicates if the currency should be displayed in the currency drop-down list


2. If applicable, set the new currency as main currency at Configuration -> General.


3. If you're using multiple currencies, please specify exchange rates at Configuration -> Exchange rates.


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