Settings for particular object types

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The following text describes the possible settings for particular object types which can be indexed and subsequently searched.


Document types, Custom tables and Users


Settings for document types, custom tables and users are almost identical. You can find them on the Search fields tab in the editing interfaces for document types, custom tables and users.


In the top part of the tab, you can specify how the objects will be displayed in search results:


Title field - specifies which field will be used as the title of the result item
Content field - specifies which field will be used for the content extract of the result item
Image field - specifies which field will be used for the image of the result item (not available for users, Avatar image is used for users by default)
Date field - specifies which field will be used for the date and time displayed with the result item


Lines of the table in the bottom part of the page represent fields defined on the Fields tab, while columns define the following:


Content - if checked, content of the field will be indexed and searchable the standard way
Searchable - if checked, content of the field will be searchable in format <field code name>:<searched phrase>, which searches only through the fields and not through the other fields
Tokenized - indicates if the content of the field should be processed by the analyzer when indexing; the general rule is to use this for Content fields and not for Searchable fields
Custom search name - relevant for Searchable fields; substitutes field code name in the <field code name>:<searched phrase> expression; if entered, the original code name can't be used




E-commerce SKUs


Similar settings are available for E-commerce SKUs. The settings can be done in Site Manager -> Development -> System tables -> Edit (Edit) Ecommerce - SKU -> Search fields tab. In this case, only the following settings are available:


Content - if checked, content of the field will be indexed and searchable the standard way
Searchable - if checked, content of the field will be searchable in format <field code name>:<searched phrase>, which searches only through the fields and not through the other fields
Tokenized - indicates if the content of the field should be processed by the analyzer when indexing; the general rule is to use this for Content fields and not for Searchable fields






It is highly recommended that you do not modify settings of other than your custom fields. In case that you modified the settings for some of the default fields, the functionality of searching through SKUs may get broken.





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