Database tables and API classes

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The Reporting module uses the following database tables:


Reporting_Report - contains report settings and layout
Reporting_ReportCategory - contains report categories
Reporting_ReportGraph - contains graph definitions
Reporting_ReportTable - contains table definitions
Reporting_ReportValue - contains report definitions
Reporting_SavedGraph - contains graphs saved with saved reports (in binary format)
Reporting_SavedReport - contains saved reports


The Reporting API is provided by the following CMS.Reporting namespace classes:


ReportCategoryInfo, ReportCategoryInfoProvider - manage report categories
ReportGraphInfo, ReportGraphInfoProvider - manage graphs
ReportInfo, ReportInfoProvider - manage reports
ReportTableInfo, ReportTableInfoProvider - manage tables
ReportValueInfo, ReportValueInfoProvider - manage values
SavedGraphInfo, SavedGraphInfoProvider - manage saved graphs (for saved reports)
SavedReportInfo, SavedReportInfoProvider - manage saved reports


The following chapters show how you can access reports using the API:


Saving current status of the report
Getting HTML code of a saved report



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