Managing Polls

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You can manage polls in CMS Desk -> Tools -> Polls.


Creating a new poll


Click New poll and fill in the following values:


Display name

The name of the poll displayed to the poll administrators.

Code name

The name of the poll used in the code.


The title of the poll displayed in the poll view (optional).


Poll question displayed in the poll view.


Click OK.


Editing poll properties


Now you can define more poll details on the General tab:


Display name

The name of the poll displayed to the poll administrators.

Code name

The name of the poll used in the code.


The title of the poll displayed in the poll view (optional).


Poll question displayed in the poll view.

Open from

When the visitors can start voting.

Open to

When the voting is closed.

Message after vote

Message displayed after vote.

Allow multiple choices

Indicates if visitor can select more than one option.


Defining answers


Then, you can define the list of available answers on the Answers tab. To create a new answer, click New answer and enter the answer text.


You can also choose if the given answer should be enabled which means it's displayed in the list of options - this is useful if you need to remove some answer from the poll while keeping the number of votes in the history. The disabled option is then not calculated into the displayed results.


Defining who can vote


On the Security tab, you can choose which users can vote:


all users
only authenticated users (site members)
only authorized roles that you specify


Sharing the poll between sites


On the Sites tab, you can choose on which sites the poll can be used. The poll will be offered to content editors of the websites so that they can put the poll into the text through the WYSIWYG editor. By default, the site where you created the poll is added.


Previewing the poll


You can preview the poll on the View tab. The actual poll on your website may use different design depending on the design of your website and may behave differently depending on the web part settings (if you publish it using a web part).


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