Developing form controls

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The following example shows how to create a form control that will allow users to choose color from a dropdownlist.


1. Open the web project in Visual Studio (or Visual Web Developer) using the WebProject.sln file or using File -> Open -> website in Visual Studio.

2. Right-click the CMSFormControls folder and choose Add New Item. Choose to create a new Web User Control and call it ColorSelection.ascx.

3. Edit the ColorSelection.ascx user control on the Design tab. Drag and drop a DropDownList control onto the form:
4. Edit the properties of the DropDownList and change its ID to drpColor.

5. Switch to the code behind.


6. Change the following line




public partial class CMSFormControls_ColorSelection : System.Web.UI.UserControl




public partial class CMSFormControls_ColorSelection : CMS.FormControls.FormEngineUserControl




Partial class CMSFormControls_ColorSelection Inherits SystemWeb.UI.UserControl




Partial class CMSFormControls_ColorSelection Inherits CMS.FormControls.FormEngineUserControl

It ensures that our user control inherits from the FormEngineUserControl class and can use its standardized properties.

7. Modify the code behind like this:



protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


    // Ensure drop down list options




/// <summary>

/// Gets or sets field value, color hexa code in this case.

/// </summary>

public override Object Value




        return drpColor.SelectedValue;




        // Ensure drop down list options


        drpColor.SelectedValue = System.Convert.ToString(value);




/// <summary>

/// Returns an array of values of any other fields returned by the control.

/// </summary>

/// <returns>It returns an array where first dimension is attribute name and the second dimension is its value.</returns>

public override object[,] GetOtherValues()


object[,] array = new object[1, 2];

array[0, 0] = "ProductColor";

array[0, 1] = drpColor.SelectedItem.Text;

return array;



/// <summary>

/// Returns true if some color is selected. If no, it returns false and displays an error message.

/// </summary>

public override bool IsValid()


  if ((string)Value != "")


      return true;




      // Set form control validation error message

      this.ValidationError = "Please choose some color.";

      return false;




/// <summary>

/// Ensures that the DropDownList contains color options.

/// </summary>

protected void EnsureItems()


  if (drpColor.Items.Count == 0)


       drpColor.Items.Add(new ListItem("(select color)", ""));

       drpColor.Items.Add(new ListItem("red", "#FF0000"));

       drpColor.Items.Add(new ListItem("green", "#00FF00"));

       drpColor.Items.Add(new ListItem("blue", "#0000FF"));






Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

  ' Ensure drop down list options


End Sub


''' <summary>

''' Gets or sets field value, color hexa code in this case.

''' </summary>

Public Overrides Property Value() As Object


      Return drpColor.SelectedValue

  End Get

  Set(ByVal value As Object)


       drpColor.SelectedValue = System.Convert.ToString(value)

  End Set

End Property


''' <summary>

''' Returns an array of values of any other fields returned by the control.

''' </summary>

''' <returns>It returns an array where first dimension is attribute name and the second dimension is its value.</returns>

Public Overrides Function GetOtherValues() As Object(,)

  Dim arr(0, 1) As Object

   arr(0, 0) = "ProductColor"

   arr(0, 1) = drpColor.SelectedItem.Text

  Return arr

End Function


''' <summary>

''' Returns true if some color is selected. If no, it returns false and displays an error message.

''' </summary>

Public Overrides Function IsValid() As Boolean

  If CType(Value, String) <> "" Then

      Return True


      ' Set form control validation error message

      Me.ValidationError = "Please choose some color."

      Return False

  End If

End Function


''' <summary>

''' Ensures that the DropDownList contains color options.

''' </summary>

Public Sub EnsureItems()

  If drpColor.Items.Count = 0 Then

       drpColor.Items.Add(New ListItem("(select color)", ""))

       drpColor.Items.Add(New ListItem("red", "#FF0000"))

       drpColor.Items.Add(New ListItem("green", "#00FF00"))

       drpColor.Items.Add(New ListItem("blue", "#0000FF"))

  End If

End Sub


8. Go to Site Manager -> Development -> Form controls and click New form control. Enter the following values:
- Control display name: Color selection
- Control code name: colorselection
- Control file name: colorselection.ascx
Check the Use control for text box, check the Show control in document types box and click OK.


9. Now we will test this control in some document editing form. Go to Site Manager -> Development -> Document types and edit the Product document type. Click the Fields tab and add 2 new fields with the following properties:


-Attribute name: ProductColor
-Attribute type: Text
-Attribute size: 100
-Display attribute in editing form: false (the field will be set via GetOtherValues() method of the ColorSelection control)
-Click OK to save the new field


-Attribute name: ProductHexaColor
-Attribute type: Text
-Attribute size: 100
-Field caption: Color
-Field type: Color selection
-Click OK to save the new field


10. Go to CMS Desk -> Content and create a new product in the Products section. The new form control will be displayed like this:
If you do not choose any color, the error label is displayed.




Getting and setting values of other fields using the API


You can get and set the values of the other fields by getting their reference like this:




TextBox txtBox = (TextBox) Form.FieldControls["productprice"];




Dim txtBox as TextBox = CType(Me.Form.FieldControls("productprice"), TextBox)


Please note that the field name must be written in lowercase.


When you get the reference to the control, you can get or set its value (for example: txtBox.Text = "150")


If you want to change the value of some other control before its loaded, you need to place the code inside the PageLoad method of your form control.


If you want to change the value of some other control before its saved, you need to place the code inside the IsValid method of your form control.


You can also use the this.DataDR (me.DataDR) property of the form control that provides the DataRow object with data of the current form.


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