Deleting sites

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You can delete sites in the system in Site Manager -> Sites.


1. Clicking the Delete (Delete) icon of the site that you want to delete.




2. In the Site deletion confirmation dialog, you can select the following options:


Delete document attachments physical files - if checked, document attachment files stored in the file system will be deleted; these files are stored in the <web project>\<site name>\files folder
Delete meta files physical files - if checked, meta files stored in the file system will be deleted; these files are stored in the <web project>\<site name>\metafiles folder
Delete media files physical files - if checked, physical files stored in media libraries will be deleted; these files are stored in the <web project>\<site name>\media folder


Make the selection and click Yes to continue deleting the site.




3. A log will be displayed, showing you the progress of site deletion. When the process finishes, click OK. You will be redirected back to Site Manager -> Sites, where the deleted site will not be listed.




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