Creating a pre-defined forum

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Pre-defined forums need to be created within a forum group before you can publish them on the website. See the Creating a forum group chapter to learn how to create a forum group.


Creating a new forum


Go to CMS Desk -> Tools -> Forums and click Edit (Edit) for some forum group. Go to the Forums tab and click Add forum (NewForumGroup). Enter the following details:


Forum display name: the name of the forum displayed on your website
Forum code name: the name of the forum used in your code
Description: the description displayed on your website
Forum base URL: URL displayed when the user accesses the forum; e.g. ~/MyForums.aspx
Forum unsubscription URL: URL of the page where users can unsubscribe from the given forum


Require e-mail address: indicates if e-mail address should be required from the post author
Display e-mail addresses: indicates if e-mail address of the post author should be displayed to other site visitors
Enable WYSIWYG editor: indicates if the visitors can use the WYSIWYG editor for entering text
Use security code (CAPTCHA): indicates if the user needs to retype the security code displayed as an image - this feature helps you avoid spam in the forums


Forum is open: indicates if the forum is visible and can be accessed
Forum is locked: if checked, new posts can't be added to the forum, while the forum is still accessible for viewing
Forum is moderated: indicates if the posts need to be approved by a forum moderator


Click OK to save.




Once created, a forum can be placed on a website. The Publishing a pre-defined forum on the website chapter describes how.


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