E-mail templates

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There are three different e-mail templates that can be used when sending notifications about new blog comments, depending on the recipient of the notification:


Blog owners - e-mails are based on the Blogs - Notification to blog owner e-mail template
Blog moderators - e-mails are based on the Blogs - Notification to blog moderators e-mail template
Subscribers - e-mails are based on the Blogs - Notification to blog post subscribers e-mail template


The following macros can be used in the e-mail templates:


Data macros


Blog.XXX - where XXX represents a column of the CONTENT_Blog table or the CMS_View_Tree_Joined view
BlogPost.XXX - where XXX represents a column of the CONTENT_Blog table or the CMS_View_Tree_Joined view
Comment.XXX - where XXX is a column of the CONTENT_BlogComment table
CommentUser.XXX - where XXX is a column of the CMS_User table
CommentUserSettings.XXX - where XXX is a column of the CMS_UserSettings table


Example: {%CommentUser.Email%}




Source macros


a) Links

BlogPostLink - blog post link
BlogLink - blog link
UnsubscriptionLink - unsubscription link


b) Others - there macros are present due to backward compatibility purposes

UserFullName - the same result as {%Comment.CommentUserName%}
CommentUrl - the same result as {%Comment.CommentUrl%}
Comments - the same result as {%Comment.CommentText%}
CommentDate - the same result as {%Comment.CommentDate%}
BlogPostTitle - the same result as {%BlogPost.BlogPostTitle%}


Example: {%BlogPostLink%}




Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/index.html?blogs_notifications_e_mail_templates.htm