Web farm support overview

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Native web farm support in Kentico CMS provides the following features:


It synchronizes the changes made to the site settings on one of the servers to all the other servers.
It synchronizes the files uploaded to the site to all other servers. This is used only if you store the uploaded files on the disk or on both disk and in the database.


The following image shows the structure of the web farm and how the synchronization works:




If you change some settings or upload a file using server, the other servers do not know about that in a standard scenario. However, if you're using the Web farm synchronization module, the module automatically creates a new synchronization task in the database and notifies the other servers once per request so that they process their synchronization task.




Using Kentico CMS in a web farm without Web farm synchronization module


You can use Kentico CMS in a web farm even if you do not use the web farm synchronization module, especially if you do not store uploaded files in the file system. Then, the only limitation is that if you change the settings or page content on one of the servers, the other servers may keep using the old version of the settings in their memory/cache until the web application is restarted or cache content expires.


Please note: The web farm support doesn't replace any load-balancing or web farm management tools.


Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/index.html?web_farm_support_overview.htm