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Step 1 – Import profile settings


In the first step, you need to choose if you want to create a new import profile or use an existing  XML profile. If you select an existing profile, values will be pre-filled in the following steps based on the profile settings.




Step 2 – Kentico CMS DB Setup


In the second step, specify the target database of the CMS where the users and roles will be imported:


SQL Server name or IP address: name or IP address of the server where the target database is stored
Database name: name of the target database


Use integrated Windows authentication: choose this option if you want to log on to the server using Windows authentication
Use SQL Server account: choose this option if you want to log on to the server using credetials filled in the fields below


It is a good idea to test the specified connection using the Test connection button before proceeding to the next step.




Step 3 – Active directory connection


In the third step, specify the source AD‘s domain controller. You have two options:


Use current user account: uses the domain where the current user belongs
Specify domain controller and logon credentials: if you choose this option, you can enter the logon details manually into the fields below


Here again, it is recommended to test the specified connection using the Test connection button.




Step 4 – Import settings


In this step, you can adjust some general settings of the import process:


Import users/groups: determines which users or groups (roles) will be pre-selected in Step 6, you have the following options:
All: all users or groups will be pre-selected
Only selected: when using an existing import profile, selection stored in the profile will be used; otherwise, nothing will be pre-selected
Only selected and new: same as above, while new users and groups will be selected as well


Update user and role data: if enabled, properties of users and roles already imported from the AD will be updated in the CMS based on the current values in AD
Update user membership in roles: if enabled, membership of users imported from the AD will be updated in the CMS based on the current membership settings in AD
Delete users and roles that were deleted in the Active directory: if enabled, users who were previously imported from the Active Directory but were deleted on the source server since then will be deleted in the CMS
Log import process to file: if enabled, you can specify a file where the import log will be stored


Select sites: choose the sites to which the imported users and roles will be assigned


Please note: If you do not choose any site in this step, the rest of the wizard will leave out steps related to roles (groups) import. This happens because roles are site-related in Kentico CMS (i.e. each role must belong to some site).




Step 5 – Import properties


In this step, you are asked to define user name and role name format and to bind AD user properties to CMS user properties. The following options can be defined:


User name format: choose one of the three possilbe formats:
Domain\SAM (e.g. intranet\joe)
SAM account name (e.g. joe)
Configure user as CMS editor: if enabled, all imported users will have the Is editor option enabled (this option is located in Administration -> Users -> user edit -> General)
Target/Source: you can choose which properties from AD (Source) will be mapped to particular properties of the CMS_User role


Role display name format: choose one of the two possible formats:
Domain\SAM (intranet\DB Admins)
SAM (DB Admins)
Role code name format: choose one of the following formats:
Domain\SAM (intranet\DB Admins)
SAM (DB Admins)
Guid (16-byte number)
Import description: indicates if role description should be imported from the AD



Step 6 – Select users & groups to be imported

In the sixth step, you can select which roles and users will be imported. It will be possible to adjust the settings made here in the following two steps.


On the left, you can see all groups (roles) found on the source server. If you select a group, its members are displayed in the list on the right. You can define which users and roles will be imported using the appropriate check-boxes.


By right-clicking a group, you can display a context menu with the following actions:


Select all: selects all child groups directly under the selected group
Select all recursively: selects all child groups under the selected group until the last level
Deselect all: selects all groups directly under the selected group
Deselect all recursively: selects all group under the selected group until the last level


All users in a role or all roles can be selected or deselected in one click using the Select all and Deselect all buttons.




Step 7 – Adjust users to be imported


In this step, you can adjust the users to be imported. Users are selected based on settings made in the previous step, while you can adjust the selection using the check-boxes.

You can also filter the listed users by Display name and User name using the filter above the list.



Step 8 – Adjust groups to be imported

This step is similar to the previous one, while groups (roles) to be imported can be adjusted here using the check-boxes.

Listed groups can be filtered by Group name using the filter above the list.




Step 9 – Assign to CMS roles


In the sixth step, you can select roles to which the imported users will be assigned. If you are importing to multiple sites, you first need to choose the site whose roles should be displayed using the Site drop-down.




Step 10 - Finalize


Now you have your import profile configured. You can execute it immediately, save it into a file or perform both of these actions, depending on which of the Import now and Save import profile to file check-boxes is enabled.




Step 11 – Import log


The last step displays an import log, showing the progress of the import process. When the import finishes, you can close the wizard using the Finish button.




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