UI profile configuration

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In the following step-by-step example, you will learn how to define UI profile for a new role in Site Manager -> Administration -> UI personalization.


Let's presume that we want some users to be Forum administrators of our web site. This means that they will not need to use the Content or Administration tabs at all, all they will be concerned about is the Forums module administration interface in the Tools menu and a few parts of the My desk section.


How to achieve it? We will create a new role and a new user who will be a member of this role only. Then we will define UI profile settings for this role and try logging in as the new user to see the simplified UI.


1. Install some of the sample sites or your own site and enable UI personalization for the site as described here.


2. Go to Site Manager -> Administration -> Roles, choose your site in the Site drop-down and click the New role (AddRole) icon. In the following dialog, enter these details:


Role display name: Forum Administrators
Role code name: ForumAdministrators
Role description: some text describing the role
Is domain role: leave the field blank


Click OK.




3. Now let's create the user. Go to Site Manager -> Administration -> Users and click the New user (AddUser) icon. Enter the following details in the New user dialog:


User name: ForumsGuy
Full name: Jack McKay
Enabled: enabled
Is editor: enabled


Click OK.




4. You are redirected to the new user's editing interface. We first need to assign the user to our site. Go to the Sites tab and add the site using the Add sites button.




5. Now that the user belongs to our site, we can assign him to the Forum Administrators role, which also belongs to the site. Switch to the Roles tab and use the Add role button to add the Forum Administrators role.




6. Now that the user belongs to our role, we can set up UI personalization for the role. Go to Site Manager -> Administration -> UI personalization and chose:


Site: your site
Role: Forum Administrators


Please note: UI personalization settings are site-related. This means that members of one role can see some personalized UI when editing one site and a completely different UI when editing another site. More information on how UI personalization works can be found here.


You can choose the module whose UI elements you want to set up using the Module drop-down. Full reference on the personalizable parts of CMS Desk and the appropriate modules can be found here.


7. Let's start with the main tabs in CMS Desk, where we want only the My desk and Tools tabs visible. Choose Module: CMS Desk and make the following settings:


Content: disabled
My desk: enabled
Tools: enabled
Administration: disabled




8. On the My desk tab, we will need only the My profile, My messages and My friends sections, all others are not needed for forum administrators. Choose Module: My Desk and enable only the UI elements listed below, do not enable the rest.


My profile: enabled
Details: enabled
Change password: enabled
Notifications: enabled
Subscriptions: enabled
My messages: enabled
My friends: enabled




9. Finally, we need only the Forums option in the Tools menu. Choose Module: Tools and enable only the Tools UI element as you can see in the screenshot below. Leave all the remaining UI elements disabled.




10. We can now verify what we have achieved. Log out of Site Manager and log back in to CMS Desk as the ForumsGuy user created in step 3. You will see the a simplified user interface as in the following screenshot.




If you switch to the Tools tab, there is only the Forums menu item present. It is evident that this UI is much easier to understand for a first-time end user.




Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/index.html?ui_profile_configuration.htm