Role management

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Roles are assigned to a particular (single) web site. A role can have any number of members.


You can manage roles in Site Manager -> Administration -> Roles.


Creating a new role


Go to Site Manager -> Administration -> Roles and click New role. Enter the following values:


Role display name - The name of the role displayed to the users.
Role code name - The name of the role used in the code.
Role description - Optional description.
Is domain role - Indicates if the role was imported from Active Directory.



Editing a role


Go to Site Manager -> Administration -> Roles and click the Edit button of the appropriate role.




Role display name - The name of the role displayed to the users.
Role code name - The name of the role used in the code.
Role description - Optional description.
Is domain role - Indicates if the role was imported from Active Directory.





Here you can add or remove users to/from the current role. If you want to add a user, click the Add user to role button. The Select users dialog appears. Enter the name of the user or its part and click Search users. Now select the listed users in the box (you can use CTRL+left mouse button) and click Add selected users to role.


Deleting a role


Go to Site Manager -> Administration -> Roles and click the Delete button of the appropriate role.


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