Example: Displaying offices on the map

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This example will show you how to display a list of offices and their location on the map.


Step 1 - Creating a new page with offices


Sign in as administrator to Kentico CMS Desk -> Content and click the root. Click New and choose to create a new Page. Enter the page name Offices and choose to create a blank page using the Simple layout. Click Save.


Now we need to add a list of offices. Switch to the Design tab and add the Repeater web part. Set the following properties:


Path: /{0}/%
Document types: cms.office
Transformation: cms.office.simple
Item separator: <br />


Click OK.



Step 2 - Geocoding your information


Now we will create two documents of type Office. Click the Offices page and click New. Choose to create a new Office and enter the following values:


Office 1:

Office name: Northwest Transport - New York
Address line 1: 1290 Avenue of the Americas
City: New York
ZIP code: 10104
State: NY
Country: USA
Phone: 123456789
E-mail: ny@north.com
Latitude: 40.76
Longitude: -73.98


Click Save and another.

Office 2:

Office name: Northwest Transport - San Francisco
Address line 1: 835 Market Street
City: San Francisco
ZIP code: 94103
State: CA
Country: USA
Phone: 123456789
E-mail: sf@north.com
Latitude: 37.78
Longitude: -122.41


Click Save.


Please note: The Office document type already contains the Latitude and Longitude fields. If you're using a custom document type, you will need to define them. They must be of type Decimal number. You can call them as you need.



Step 3 - Displaying the content on the map


When you see the page now, it displays only a list of offices. Switch to the Design tab and add the Google services/Google Maps web part.


First, we will configure which documents should be displayed on the map. Set the following properties:


Path: /{0}/%
Document types: cms.office

It ensures that all offices in the current site section will be shown. Now we specify the transformation used for the text displayed in the balloon:

Transformation: cms.office.preview


Now we set the following values that specify how the map is displayed:


Google maps key: leave this value empty if you're running the web site at http://localhost or If you use some particular domain name, you need to get a key at http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html.
Large view scale: 7 (the default zoom)
Detailed view scale: 10 (the zoom used when viewing the selected document)
Width: 600 (in pixels)
Height: 400 (in pixels)
Default latitude: 39.27 (latitude of the map center when the overview map is displayed)
Default longitude: -98.20 (longitude of the map center when the overview map is displayed)
Latitude field: OfficeLatitude (the field containing the latitude information of the document)
Longitude field: OfficeLongitude (the field containing the longitude information of the document)
Tooltip field: OfficeName (the field displayed when you mouse-over a balloon representing the object on the map.


Click OK.


Sign out and see the page. It will look like this:




The is the overview map with balloons. When you mouse-over a balloon, you will see the office name. When you click a balloon or an office link in the list, you will see the detailed view:




Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/index.html?example_displaying_offices_on_the_map.htm