Solution on Windows 7

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1. Open Windows Explorer, locate the folder with your web site, right-click the folder and display its Properties. Choose the Security tab. Select IIS_IUSRS and click Advanced.




2. Select NETWORK SERVICES and click Edit.




3. Disable the Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent option.




4. In the pop-up dialog, click Add.




5. When the dialog closes, click OK to close the dialog under it. Click OK to close the dialog under the previous one.


You are back in the folder properties dialog now. Select IIS_USRS and click Edit.




6. Check the Allow check-box for the Write and Modify permissions and click OK.




7. You have assigned the IIS_USRS account with the write permission. Kentico CMS should now be able to perform all disk write operations and therefore work correctly.


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