Administrating the e-mail queue

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The e-mail queue administration interface is located in Site Manager -> Administration -> E-mail queue. Using the Site drop-down list, you can choose which site you want to display the e-mail queue for. If (global) is selected, e-mails sent from the administration interface will be displayed. If (all) is selected, all e-mails in all queues will be displayed. The administration interface is divided into three tabs:


E-mail queue tab


This tab displays the actual e-mail queue. E-mails that are waiting to be sent or that haven't been sent successfully (displayed with an Error message) are displayed here. You can Resend (Resend) the mail, Delete (Delete) it or View (View) its details. There is also a number of links above the list:


Resend all failed - resends all e-mails in the queue that were not successfully sent; new e-mails that have not yet been sent will not be resent
Resend selected - resends all e-mails selected by the check-boxes in the list
Resend all - resends all e-mails in the list


Delete all failed - deletes all e-mails in the queue that were unsuccessfully sent; new e-mails that have not yet been sent will not be deleted
Delete selected - deletes all e-mails selected by the check-boxes in the list
Delete all - deletes all e-mails in the list


Refresh - refreshes the content of the e-mail queue





Sent e-mails tab


This tab displays a list of e-mails that have been successfully sent via the e-mail queue. You can set how long will the e-mails stay in this list by the Site Manager -> Settings -> E-mails -> Archive e-mails (days) property.


You can Resend (Resend) the mail, Delete (Delete) it or View (View) its details. There are also two links at the top of the page:


Delete all - deletes all e-mails in the list
Delete selected - deletes e-mails selected by the check-boxes in the list




Send e-mail tab


From this tab, you can easily send a single e-mail to a specified recipient (not only the site users).


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