A complete example

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The following samples show you how to create, approve, publish, reject, archive and delete a document. It uses the sample workflow created in chapter Managing workflow schema:


Edit -> Article Approval (custom step) -> Publish -> Archive


Creating a new document




using CMS.SettingsProvider;

using CMS.CMSHelper;

using CMS.DataEngine;

using CMS.GlobalHelper;

using CMS.TreeEngine;

using CMS.SiteProvider;

using CMS.WorkflowEngine;




           // Prepare the TreeProvider (it must be initialized with user information

           // when editing content)

          UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo("administrator");

          TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(ui);


          // Get the parent document

           CMS.TreeEngine.TreeNode parentNode = tree.SelectSingleNode(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, "/",              TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, null, false);

          if (parentNode != null)


              // Create new document

               CMS.TreeEngine.TreeNode node = new CMS.TreeEngine.TreeNode("CMS.Article", tree);

               node.DocumentName = "TestingWorkflow";

               node.DocumentCulture = CMSContext.CurrentUser.PreferredCultureCode;


              // Set document fields

               node.SetValue("ArticleName", "Testing workflow");

               node.SetValue("ArticleTeaserText", "Testing article for workflow");

               node.SetValue("ArticleText", "Testing article for workflow text");


              // Although article contains the attachment field, the attachment can be added only                     // after the document has been created (see below)


              // Insert the document - DocumentHelper should be used when using workflow

              DocumentHelper.InsertDocument(node, parentNode.NodeID, tree);


              // Insert the attachment (image) to the document

              if (FileUpload.PostedFile != null)


                  DocumentHelper.AddAttachment(node, "ArticleTeaserImage", FileUpload.PostedFile,



                  // Update the document

                  DocumentHelper.UpdateDocument(node, tree);





Editing a document




using CMS.SettingsProvider;

using CMS.CMSHelper;

using CMS.DataEngine;

using CMS.GlobalHelper;

using CMS.TreeEngine;

using CMS.SiteProvider;

using CMS.WorkflowEngine;




          // Prepare the TreeProvider (it must be initialized with user information when editing

           // document structure)

          UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo("administrator");

          TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(ui);


          // Get the document (current culture)

           CMS.TreeEngine.TreeNode node = tree.SelectSingleNode(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName,

              "/TestingWorkflow", CMSContext.CurrentUser.PreferredCultureCode, false, null, false);

          if (node != null)


              // Get the latest version of the document (always use DocumentHelper when using

               // workflow)

               node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(node, tree);


              // Check out the document

              VersionManager vm = new VersionManager(tree);



              // Update the document fields the regular way

               node.SetValue("ArticleName", "Edited testing workflow");

               node.SetValue("ArticleTeaserText", "Edited testing article for workflow");

               node.SetValue("ArticleText", "Edited testing article for workflow text");


              // Update the attachment if present

              if (FileUpload.PostedFile != null)


                  // Add the attachment

                  DocumentHelper.AddAttachment(node, "ArticleTeaserImage", FileUpload.PostedFile,




              // Update the document

              DocumentHelper.UpdateDocument(node, tree);


              // Check in the document

               vm.CheckIn(node, null, null);




Approving the document




using CMS.SettingsProvider;

using CMS.CMSHelper;

using CMS.DataEngine;

using CMS.GlobalHelper;

using CMS.TreeEngine;

using CMS.SiteProvider;

using CMS.WorkflowEngine;




          // Prepare the TreeProvider (it must be initialized with user information when editing

           // document structure)

          UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo("administrator");

          TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(ui);


          // Get the document (current culture)

           CMS.TreeEngine.TreeNode node =  tree.SelectSingleNode(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName,

              "/TestingWorkflow", CMSContext.CurrentUser.PreferredCultureCode, false, null, false);

          if (node != null)


              // Get the latest version of the document (always get the document with DocumentHelper

               // when using workflow)

               node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(node, tree);


              // Move the document to the next step (approve)

              WorkflowManager wm = new WorkflowManager(tree);

               wm.MoveToNextStep(node, "");




Rejecting the document




using CMS.SettingsProvider;

using CMS.CMSHelper;

using CMS.DataEngine;

using CMS.GlobalHelper;

using CMS.TreeEngine;

using CMS.SiteProvider;

using CMS.WorkflowEngine;




          // Prepare the TreeProvider (it must be initialized with user information when editing

           // document structure)

          UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo("administrator");

          TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(ui);


          // Get the document (current culture)

           CMS.TreeEngine.TreeNode node =  tree.SelectSingleNode(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName,

              "/TestingWorkflow", CMSContext.CurrentUser.PreferredCultureCode, false, null, false);

          if (node != null)


              // Get the latest version of the document (always get the document with DocumentHelper

               // when using workflow)

               node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(node, tree);


              // Move the document to the next step (approve)

              WorkflowManager wm = new WorkflowManager(tree);

               wm.MoveToPreviousStep(node, "");




Publish the document




using CMS.SettingsProvider;

using CMS.CMSHelper;

using CMS.DataEngine;

using CMS.GlobalHelper;

using CMS.TreeEngine;

using CMS.SiteProvider;

using CMS.WorkflowEngine;




           // Prepare the TreeProvider (it must be initialized with user information when editing

           // document structure)

          UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo("administrator");

          TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(ui);


          // Get the document (current culture)

           CMS.TreeEngine.TreeNode node =  tree.SelectSingleNode(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName,

              "/TestingWorkflow", CMSContext.CurrentUser.PreferredCultureCode, false, null, false);

          if (node != null)


              // Get the latest version of the document (always get the document with DocumentHelper

               // when using workflow)

               node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(node, tree);


              // Move the document to the next step (approve)

              WorkflowManager wm = new WorkflowManager(tree);


              // Approve until the step is publish

              WorkflowStepInfo currentStep = wm.GetStepInfo(node);

              while ((currentStep != null) && (currentStep.StepName.ToLower() != "published"))


                   currentStep = wm.MoveToNextStep(node, "");





Archive the document




using CMS.SettingsProvider;

using CMS.CMSHelper;

using CMS.DataEngine;

using CMS.GlobalHelper;

using CMS.TreeEngine;

using CMS.SiteProvider;

using CMS.WorkflowEngine;




           // Prepare the TreeProvider (it must be initialized with user information when editing

           // document structure)

          UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo("administrator");

          TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(ui);


          // Get the document (current culture)

           CMS.TreeEngine.TreeNode node =  tree.SelectSingleNode(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName,

              "/TestingWorkflow", CMSContext.CurrentUser.PreferredCultureCode, false, null, false);

          if (node != null)


              // Get the latest version of the document (always get the document with DocumentHelper

               // when using workflow)

               node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(node, tree);


              // Archive the document

              WorkflowManager wm = new WorkflowManager(tree);

               wm.ArchiveDocument(node, "");




Delete (destroy) the document




using CMS.SettingsProvider;

using CMS.CMSHelper;

using CMS.DataEngine;

using CMS.GlobalHelper;

using CMS.TreeEngine;

using CMS.SiteProvider;

using CMS.WorkflowEngine;




          // Prepare the TreeProvider (it must be initialized with user information when editing

           // document structure)

          UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo("administrator");

          TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(ui);


          // Get the document (current culture)

           CMS.TreeEngine.TreeNode node = tree.SelectSingleNode(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName,

              "/TestingWorkflow", CMSContext.CurrentUser.PreferredCultureCode, false, null, false);


          if (node != null)


              // Always delete the document with DocumentHelper, it handles all the dependencies

              DocumentHelper.DeleteDocument(node, tree, true, true);



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