Web application installation

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Now you should see the Kentico CMS Web Installer. If you cannot see it, you can always run it from Start menu -> All Programs -> Kentico CMS 3.x -> Kentico CMS Web Installer.




First, you need to choose the version of .NET Framework and Visual Studio that you wish to use. Click Next.




Choose to use either IIS server or Visual Studio 2005 built-in web server (if you do not have IIS installed). Click Next.


IIS installation


If you choose the IIS server, you can choose the web site where the virtual directory will be created and the folder on your local disk where project files will be deployed. The installer will create a new virtual directory on your server and configure it for ASP.NET. Click Finish.




Please note: if you're installing Kentico CMS into the root of your web site (such as http://www.domain.com) and do not wish to create a virtual directory (such as http://www.domain.com/cms), please check the box.



VS2005 installation


If you chose to use the built-in server in VS2005, you only need to specify the local disk where the project files will be deployed. Click Finish.




After the setup copies all files, you will see the link for opening the web application in browser or the web project in Visual Studio. Click the link.


Opening the web site in VS2005


If you chose VS2005 installation, the project is opened in VS2005:




Choose Debug -> Start without debugging from the main menu. The site displayed in the new browser window, using the built-in web server.




When you cannot open the web site in Visual Studio 2005


If the link for opening the project in Visual Studio doesn't work, you may need to start Visual Studio manually and choose File -> Open -> Web Site... and locate the project folder on your disk manually.