CSS styles |
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The design of the web site relies on standard CSS styles. Each web site has its global CSS stylesheet that can be chosen in Site Manager -> Sites -> ... edit site ... -> General. Here you can choose also a different CSS stylesheet used by WYSIWYG editors.
Besides, each page can overwrite the global CSS stylesheet by setting is own stylesheet in CMS Desk -> Content -> ... edit some document ... -> Properties -> General.
The CSS stylesheets can be managed in the Site Manager. When you're in CMS Desk, you can easily switch to the Site Manager by clicking the Switch to Site Manager link in the header:
Then click Development in the Site Manager main menu and click CSS stylesheets in the left menu:
Edit the Corporate Site stylesheet:
Change the background color of the .LTR, .RTL style to #fef3b8, click OK to save the changes. Switch back to CMS Desk and see the live site. The site background will be yellow.
Please note: you may need to right-click the page and choose Refresh (in Internet Explorer) in order to see the latest version of the style.