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Provider contains methods for order status lookup table. It uses the OrderStatusInfo class.


object GetOrderStatusInfo(int orderStatusId) returns the OrderStatusInfo object selected by given ID.
object GetOrderStatusInfo(string orderStatusName) returns the OrderStatusInfo object selected by given name.
DataSet GetStatuses(object status) returns the DataSet of order statuses with specified status. See database reference for column definitions.
DataSet GetStatuses(string where, string orderBy) - returns the DataSet of all the order statuses filtered by where condition and ordered by orderBy expression, see the database reference for the order status column definition.
void SetOrderStatusInfo(object orderStatus) updates/inserts the order status record with data from given OrderStatusInfo object. If StatusID is set, updates, else inserts a new record.
void DeleteOrderStatusInfo(int orderStatusId) deletes the specified order status.
void MoveStatusUp(int statusId) moves the status up (changes the status order).
void MoveStatusDown(int statusId) moves the status down (changes the staus order).
int GetLastStatusOrder() returns the order ID of the last status.
object GetFirstEnabledStatus() returns the first enabled OrderStatusInfo object.
object GetNextEnabledStatus(int statusId) - returns next enabled OrderStatusInfo object which is situated after the specified status in order status flow
object GetPreviousEnabledStatus(int statusId) - returns previous enabled OrderStatusInfo object which is situated before the specified status in order status flow.
bool CheckDependencies(int orderStatusId) returns true if some objects depend on the status.