Marketing Certification Exam Updated for Kentico 10


We have great news for early-adopting marketers: As of today, the Kentico Certified Marketer Exam is updated for version 10.

So hurry up and become one of the first certified marketers for Kentico 10!

The current Kentico 9 Certified Marketer Exam will remain available until the end of February 2017.

If you want some additional practice before you start the exam, our Online Marketing Essentials training webinars will be running on version 10 beginning in January 2017. Check out the upcoming class schedule and book your place in advance.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at

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Miro Remias

Hi, I am a Product Management Team Lead here at Kentico. My missions i to lead, advise and empower our Product Management team in seeking the product-market fit.