Kentico CMS 5.0 WYSIWYG Editor

Kentico CMS comes contains a WYSIWYG editor based on the FCKeditor. While it is possible to integrate your own custom editor, what’s included is one of the best browser based editors available on the market. This editor is available in many different parts of the system from web parts to blogs. The default toolbar provides similar functionality to those in Microsoft Word with additional features designed for Kentico CMS.
In this video we will look at the WYSIWYG editor toolbar and how it can be used within Kentico CMS.
HD version available here
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Thomas Robbins

I spend my time working with partners and customers extending their marketing and technology to the fullest.


tripletdad99 commented on

Great... thanks for the info - and I appreciate you guys being "conservative" on that.
BTW - just for fun:

Thom Robbins commented on

Yes - we are looking at it hopefully in the next year. There is a good discussion about it at -

tripletdad99 commented on

Will Kentico begin using the newer CKEditor (renamed from FCKEditor I guess)? I believe they're up to version 3.1 now.