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Version 7.x > Bug reportsAlternative Form CSS View modes: 
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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 5/29/2013 1:57:50 PM
Alternative Form CSS
I haven't noticed until now (and this is probably by design/default) but when I create an alternative form for a biz form, custom table, system table, etc. when the output is rendered, it renders additional CSS, <div> and <span> tags and not the exact layout I put in the alternative forms custom layout. This is very undesirable as it alters the styling of the form. If I choose a custom layout then the rendered HTML should look as I enter it in the forms layout.

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kentico_sandroj - 5/29/2013 5:46:54 PM
RE:Alternative Form CSS

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We'll check with the developers if this is expected and file it as a bug if not.

Have a great day!
