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objc-hotmail - 10/11/2012 4:19:43 AM
js error in cmsdesk
When I browse cmdesk by ie8, I get a js error "HTML Parsing Error: Unable to modify the parent container element before the child element is closed (KB927917)". This error makes the save button and input now time link button disabled. Any help?

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 10/11/2012 6:18:54 AM
RE:js error in cmsdesk

Could you please check your source code that all of the HTML tags are opened and closed properly?
Do you have any JavaScript code out of the <head></head> section?

And also please, read the following threads:
1. Html parsing error in IE8
2. Problem with html parser in IE
3. IE8 Throwing HTML Parsing Error

I hope this will help you.

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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objc-hotmail - 10/12/2012 2:45:58 AM
RE:js error in cmsdesk

Thanks for your replying, and I have reviewed my code carefully, but I didn't find this kind of mistake. So I tried to install a new trial version instance avoiding the effect of my customized code on the source code of kentico, then I met the same problem.

There is my environment for the new instance:
os: win server 2008 r2
db server: sql server 2008r2
iis version: iis7
app pool: 4.0 classical
ie: 8.0.7600

The website used the default demo site: Corporate site.

You can find the error at cmsdesk: corporate>news>new consulting services, tab: page and form.

The page has been loaded completed, but have some error. If I clicked the save button in this case, I received an alert: "the page is not yet fully loaded..." or "This action is not allowed in current context."

I don't know whether is there any other has met this problem, but it has effected on kentico's use.

Look forward to your reply.

xinghao gong

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 10/12/2012 6:58:09 AM
RE:js error in cmsdesk
Hi Xinghao,

I think I've finally found the solution for you. As I know, this is just IE problem (older versions), so here are the options you actually have:

1. It is an IE8 bug. I recommend you to download and install the Cumulative Security update for Internet Explorer KB2360131 to resolve this issue:
a) Windows XP
b) Windows Vista

2. Upgrade IE to a newer version - IE9.

3. Put all your JS from <script> tag inside jQuery’s:
//code here
This solution for IE related browsers only. Because Firefox and other browsers will not trigger this issue.

4. And maybe following these steps will be enough (depends on system and IE configuration):
1. First of all open the internet explorer.
2. After opening select the compatibility view which is near the address bar.
3. After clicking the website will be compatibility list.
4. The compatibility list will be appear as open internet explorer and click on the compatibility view.

Best regards,
Martin Danko