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gstadter - 10/25/2011 8:29:00 AM
error creating CMS objects
Just downloaded the current distribution for Kentico and have tried to install twice against two new databases.
Both times, the installer runs for several minutes, creating numerous objects(tables, etc) but then err's with the following(both times with the same error):

ERROR: An error occurred: [DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: CREATE VIEW [View_PageInfo_Blank] AS SELECT dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeID, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeAliasPath, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeName, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeAlias, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeClassID, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeParentID, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeLevel, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeACLID, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeSiteID, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeGUID, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeOrder, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentID, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentName, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentNamePath, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentPublishFrom, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentPublishTo, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentUrlPath, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentCulture, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentPageTitle, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentPageKeyWords, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentPageDescription, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentMenuCaption, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentPageTemplateID, dbo.CMS_Class.ClassName, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentContent, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentStylesheetID, dbo.CMS_Tree.IsSecuredNode, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentMenuRedirectUrl, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentMenuJavascript, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeCacheMinutes, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeSKUID, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeDocType, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeHeadTags, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeInheritPageLevels, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentMenuItemInactive, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentMenuClass, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentMenuStyle, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentMenuItemHideInNavigation, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeChildNodesCount, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeBodyElementAttributes, dbo.CMS_Tree.RequiresSSL, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeLinkedNodeID, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeOwner, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentCheckedOutVersionHistoryID, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentPublishedVersionHistoryID, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentWorkflowStepID, dbo.CMS_WorkflowStep.StepName, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentExtensions, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentCampaign, dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeGroupID, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentWebParts, dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentGroupWebParts,CMS_Document.DocumentTrackConversionName,CMS_Document.DocumentConversionValue, CMS_Tree.NodeLinkedNodeSiteID, CMS_Document.DocumentWorkflowCycleGUID, CMS_Document.DocumentGUID FROM dbo.CMS_WorkflowStep INNER JOIN dbo.CMS_Document ON dbo.CMS_WorkflowStep.StepID = dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentWorkflowStepID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.CMS_Tree INNER JOIN dbo.CMS_Class ON dbo.CMS_Tree.NodeClassID = dbo.CMS_Class.ClassID ON 1 = 0: caused exception: Invalid object name 'dbo.CMS_WorkflowStep'.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/26/2011 1:26:54 AM
RE:error creating CMS objects

Regrettably, there was a bug in version 6 - the bug was that some views contained DBO as database owner/schema. Obviously, your hosting provider is using different owner and it is causing this issue. We are sorry for this inconvenience. It is already fixed in hotfix 6.0.1

However, in order to fix this and if it is supported by your hosting, you need to change the owner of the DB to be "dbo" or, search through the scripts in \App_Data\Install\SQL\ folder, especially in the "View_*" files and if some of them will contain "dbo", just remove it. Then, you can run the DB installer again.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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gstadter - 10/26/2011 6:42:21 AM
RE:error creating CMS objects
I will procede as you describe and update this thread again within the next day or so as to how it went for me. Thank you for such a thorough answer.

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gstadter - 10/26/2011 6:45:47 AM
RE:error creating CMS objects
Would it be possible, and simpler, to just apply the hotfix first, then re-run the installer, rather than edit the scripts?

Also, safe to presume that the 6.02 exe contains all the fixes from 6.01?
(Do I need to download both patches, or just the 6.02?)


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Member - 10/27/2011 1:11:21 AM
RE:error creating CMS objects
Gary, we had the same issue and updated all the necessary SQL files. More than happy to send you the ones you will just need to re-upload.

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gstadter - 10/27/2011 4:10:12 PM
RE:error creating CMS objects
ok, tried updating them myself... got farther this time, but still bombed with another err:

caused exception: 'Func_Analytics_DateTrim' is not a recognized built-in function name. 'Func_Analytics_DateTrim' is not a recognized built-in function name. 'Func_Analytics_DateTrim' is not a recognized built-in function name. 'Func_Analytics_DateTrim' is not a recognized built-in function name. 'Func_Analytics_DateTrim' is not a recognized built-in function name.

If you have tested your updated sql files, would you be so kind as to share them? my addr is


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/27/2011 5:13:34 AM
RE:error creating CMS objects

Yes, hotfixes are cumulative as usual.

Applying the hotfix the views are updated only in the DB, not the installation scripts. Overwriting the installation scripts is being discussed right now and I hope it will be added to the 6.0.3 hotfix.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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gstadter - 10/27/2011 2:59:52 PM
RE:error creating CMS objects
That's exactly what I was hoping to hear.
It sure would be nice to not have to run the hotfix util against any/all new instances I setup during my eval of Kentico.


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zuleyhakendir-hotmail - 12/7/2011 7:49:25 AM
RE:error creating CMS objects
My installation stopped at the Database step, my system is windows 7 home basic, and
ms sql server 2008 r2... I checked "I want to install Kentico CMS on a remote server"

all the other object worked successfully.
the last row is (the installation stopped at this row):

and the error is:

ERROR: An error occurred: [DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: CREATE PROCEDURE [Proc_OM_Account_MassDelete] @where nvarchar(max), @deleteSubsidiaries bit AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Variables DECLARE @DeletedAccounts TABLE ( AccountID int NOT NULL, AccountSiteID int NULL ); DECLARE @DeletedMergedAccounts TABLE ( AccountID int NOT NULL ); DECLARE @SubsidiaryAccounts TABLE ( AccountiD int NOT NULL, AccountSiteID int NULL ); DECLARE @MergedSubsidiaryAccounts TABLE ( AccountiD int NOT NULL ); DECLARE @currentAccountID int; DECLARE @currentAccountSiteID int; DECLARE @currentDeletedAccountID int; DECLARE @currentSubsidiaryAccountID int; DECLARE @currentSubsidiaryAccountSiteID int; DECLARE @currentMergedSubsidiaryAccountID int; DECLARE @sqlQuery NVARCHAR(MAX); -- Get TOP 1000 of deleted accounts SET @sqlQuery = 'SELECT TOP 1000 AccountID, AccountSiteID FROM OM_Account WHERE ' + @where; INSERT INTO @DeletedAccounts EXEC(@sqlQuery); -- Process first batch of records WHILE ((SELECT Count(*) FROM @DeletedAccounts) > 0) BEGIN -- Loop through records WHILE ((SELECT Count(*) FROM @DeletedAccounts) > 0) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @currentAccountID = AccountID, @currentAccountSiteID = AccountSiteID FROM @DeletedAccounts; -- Get merged accounts IF @currentAccountSiteID > 0 INSERT INTO @DeletedMergedAccounts SELECT AccountID FROM Func_OM_Account_GetChildren(@currentAccountID, 1) ELSE INSERT INTO @DeletedMergedAccounts SELECT AccountID FROM Func_OM_Account_GetChildren_Global(@currentAccountID, 1) -- Delete merged and parent records WHILE ((SELECT Count(*) FROM @DeletedMergedAccounts) > 0) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @currentDeletedAccountID = AccountID FROM @DeletedMergedAccounts; -- Delete Subsidiary accounts IF @deleteSubsidiaries > 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @SubsidiaryAccounts SELECT AccountID, AccountSiteID FROM OM_Account WHERE AccountSubsidiaryOfID = @currentDeletedAccountID; WHILE ((SELECT Count(*) FROM @SubsidiaryAccounts) > 0) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @currentSubsidiaryAccountID = AccountID, @currentSubsidiaryAccountSiteID = AccountSiteID FROM @SubsidiaryAccounts; -- Get merged accounts into subsidiary accounts IF @currentSubsidiaryAccountSiteID > 0 INSERT INTO @MergedSubsidiaryAccounts SELECT AccountID FROM Func_OM_Account_GetChildren(@currentSubsidiaryAccountID, 1) ELSE INSERT INTO @MergedSubsidiaryAccounts SELECT AccountID FROM Func_OM_Account_GetChildren_Global(@currentSubsidiaryAccountID, 1) -- Delete merged subsidiary accounts WHILE ((SELECT Count(*) FROM @MergedSubsidiaryAccounts) > 0) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @currentMergedSubsidiaryAccountID = AccountID FROM @MergedSubsidiaryAccounts; -- Remove contacts from contact groups which are added via the account SET @where = 'AccountID = ' + CAST(@currentMergedSubsidiaryAccountID AS nvarchar(50)); EXEC Proc_OM_ContactGroupMember_RemoveContactsFromAccount @where -- Remove dependency EXEC Proc_OM_Account_RemoveDependencies @currentMergedSubsidiaryAccountID -- Delete record DELETE FROM OM_Account WHERE AccountID = @currentMergedSubsidiaryAccountID; DELETE FROM @MergedSubsidiaryAccounts WHERE AccountID = @currentMergedSubsidiaryAccountID; END DELETE FROM @SubsidiaryAccounts WHERE AccountID = @currentSubsidiaryAccountID; END END -- Remove contacts from contact groups which are added via the account SET @where = 'AccountID = ' + CAST(@currentDeletedAccountID AS nvarchar(50)); EXEC Proc_OM_ContactGroupMember_RemoveContactsFromAccount @where -- Remove dependency EXEC Proc_OM_Account_RemoveDependencies @currentDeletedAccountID -- Delete record DELETE FROM OM_Account WHERE AccountID = @currentDeletedAccountID; DELETE FROM @DeletedMergedAccounts WHERE AccountID = @currentDeletedAccountID; END DELETE FROM @DeletedAccounts WHERE AccountID = @currentAccountID; END -- Get next batch of a INSERT INTO @DeletedAccounts EXEC(@sqlQuery); END END : caused exception: Invalid column name 'AccountID'. Invalid column name 'AccountID'. Invalid column name 'AccountID'. Invalid column name 'AccountID'.

Thanks for your help

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/8/2011 2:44:26 AM
RE:error creating CMS objects

what is DB server collation setting? It seems your collation is set to something else than SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and I suspect you are using Turkish language - in this case there is an issue with the "i" characters. We already fixed it in one of the hotfixes for v6 (you can download it and apply it also to your setup files) or change the collation of your DB/DB server.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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zuleyhakendir-hotmail - 12/9/2011 10:03:38 AM
RE:error creating CMS objects
Thank you for your help. The collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS for the KenticoDB but "the server collation is Turkish_CI_AS". I couldn't change the collation of the server. It seems i should use the hotfixes...

How can i find the hotfixes?


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zuleyhakendir-hotmail - 12/9/2011 10:35:36 AM
RE:error creating CMS objects
I found them and trying now,

thank you