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Yoav_A - 9/10/2012 11:39:03 AM
"Synchronization server error" when syncing staged content
I have been trying to setup content staging between my client's staging and production servers. I have followed the instructions as per this link:

After successfully configuring both the source machine (staging) and target machine (prod), I created a new user on the source machine to test syncing that to the prod machine. When I sync from source, I get the following error:

Synchronization server error:
[SyncServer.ProcessSyncTask]: Site not running.

Just an FYI, when I setup the source, I was able to verify the Server Service URL field in the "Staging Server" screen.

Any idea why I am getting this error?


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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 9/10/2012 12:20:29 PM
RE:"Synchronization server error" when syncing staged content
Are your local and remotes site both running? Also make sure your Server Service URL is something like: http://www.mysite.com/CMSPages/syncserver.asmx. The verification will verify against http://www.mysite.com and give you a false positive (been there, done that).

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Yoav_A - 9/10/2012 12:31:25 PM
RE:"Synchronization server error" when syncing staged content
Thanks for responding.

I believe both sites are running (could I have made the changes to the target and source machine if they weren't both running?). I did verify that the Server Service URL contains the entire http://.../syncserver.asmx. You have given me something to try, though, which is to ask the client if they can actually launch that url from a browser. I will update the case when I get that info.


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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 9/10/2012 12:36:45 PM
RE:"Synchronization server error" when syncing staged content
You cannot make changes to the "source" server without it running as the properties you setup are in the CMSDesk. But you can make changes on the "target" server without the site running as those settings are in the CMSSiteManager and don't require the site to be running. So I'd suggest going back to the CMSSiteManager>Sites on the live site and make sure the site is truly running.

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kentico_edwardh - 9/10/2012 7:34:44 PM
RE:"Synchronization server error" when syncing staged content

Please ensure the Server service URL on the source server, matches the content staging web service of the target server, and this domain name is used for the site currently running on the target server in Site Manager --> Sites --> <your site> --> Main domain.

Are you able to browse the http://<www.targetserver.com>/CMSPages/syncserver.asmx URL from the source server? The servers needs to see each other. Please go to the Servers tab and copy the Service URL and open it in a new window. Click on the link and try to add some values - you should get some error message but it indicates that the staging service is running.

Best Regards,
Edward Hillard