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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Preview mode message appears when login to Kentico CMS View modes: 
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bukanbaka2-hotmail - 9/7/2012 4:01:42 AM
Preview mode message appears when login to Kentico CMS
I need some advice here.

I'm using the latest hotfix version 6.0.47.

I have a problem that when I log in to Kentico CMS Desk, and then when I click on the Log out button on the top right corner, after logged off from Kentico, if I log in to CMS Desk again, I will always get the message at the top of the screen saying

"This is a preview mode of document Home. Close the previwe mode."

Why this is happening all the time?
I don't get it when I just log in normally yet I got this message appears on the top.

Please advice.

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 9/7/2012 5:51:17 AM
RE:Preview mode message appears when login to Kentico CMS

1. Try to completely delete cookies or use the different browser.

2. You can try to remove following lines from master page (in CMSDesk -> Content -> root -> Master page tab):
<!-- Top info -->
<div class="zoneTopInfo">
<cc1:CMSWebPartZone ID="zoneTopInfo" runat="server" />

3. One workaround is also possible - use following style definition in your site stylesheet to hide the message:

