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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Attachments in newsitem View modes: 
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Regus - 9/25/2012 4:12:00 AM
Attachments in newsitem
I added an attachment (pdf-file) n one of my newsitems. When I open the live site, go to the details of this newsitem, the pdf-icon shows on the bottom of the page.
I would like to change the look & feel of this newsdetail for the attachment-part. But I cannot find the transformation. I use the "newslist" webpart. When I open the the transformation for "selecteditem", I cannot see the transformations for the attachments.
What am I doing wrong here ?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 9/25/2012 4:54:54 AM
RE:Attachments in newsitem

the news list web part uses by default transformation CorporateSite.Transformations.NewsDetail

You can edit it via Properties of the web part. Next to the Selected item transformation is an Edit button which you can use to edit thransformation which is used by your web part.

To modify the transformation correctly, could you please clarify where exactly you uploaded the pdf file? Have you added some new field in definition of news document type? If so, what kind of field it was? Or did you added pdf in Properties -Attachment of your news document?

Thank you for clarification.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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Regus - 9/25/2012 5:18:46 AM
RE:Attachments in newsitem

I added the pdf-file through the properties-->attachments of my news document. I I choose "modify" at the selected item transformation, I see this. But I can't see the part for the attachments...

<div class="newsItemDetail">
<h1><%# Eval("NewsTitle",true) %></h1>
<div class="NewsSummary">
<%# IfEmpty(Eval("NewsTeaser"), "", GetImage("NewsTeaser")) %>
<div class="NewsContent">
<div class="Date"><%# GetDateTime("NewsReleaseDate", "d") %></div>
<div class="TextContent"><%# Eval("NewsSummary") %></div>
<div class="Clearer"> </div>
<div class="NewsBody">
<div class="TextContent"><%# Eval("NewsText") %></div>

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 9/25/2012 5:36:51 AM
RE:Attachments in newsitem

in this case you have probably Document Attachments web part under your news list web part which is actually displaying attachments. This web part has also transformation in its properties which can be modified.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova