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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > UniView and GroupedDataSource View modes: 
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matt.barry-stockhouse - 9/24/2012 2:06:48 PM
UniView and GroupedDataSource

I'm using the UniView to display forum posts within a thread. The code looks something like this:

DataSet ds = ForumPostInfoProvider.SelectForumPosts(ForumID, "/%", "PostIDPath Like '" + ForumPostInfoProvider.GetPath(null, ThreadID) + "%'", ThreadOrderBy, MaxRelativeLevel, onlyPublish, -1, null, currentOffset, maxRecords, ref totalRecords);

if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
GroupedDataSource gpd = new GroupedDataSource(ds, "PostParentID", "PostLevel");
listForums.RelationColumnID = "PostId";
listForums.DataSource = gpd;

The problem is that the top level post has a PostParentID of NULL. So when I data bind I get an "Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types" exception.

Is there any way to tell UniView that the top-level post in my hierachy is going to have a NULL parent ID? Or do I have to loop through my dataset and change the parent ID to something like -1?

Thanks in advance!

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matt.barry-stockhouse - 9/24/2012 2:11:35 PM
RE:UniView and GroupedDataSource
FYI, I'm basing my code on this example, which uses TreeHelper.SelectNodes instead of ForumPostInfoProvider.SelectForumPosts, but same idea:


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 9/25/2012 4:48:33 AM
RE:UniView and GroupedDataSource

and what are you using in the UniView transformation?

I mean are not you displaying the null field using:


<%# HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode( Convert.ToString(Eval("YourNullField"))) %>


Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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matt.barry-stockhouse - 9/25/2012 11:11:49 AM
RE:UniView and GroupedDataSource
Nope, I'm not actually displaying the null field (PostParentId). The UniView uses it to establish the relationship between items n the hierarchy. Obviously the top level node in the tree is going to have a null parent, but this causes the UniView to throw an exception.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 9/27/2012 8:40:33 AM
RE:UniView and GroupedDataSource

finally, this seems to be a bug as uniview and grouped data source are not cooperating correctly. We will try to fix it in the hotifx. I am sorry for inconvenience.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova