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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Add medialibrary in newsite View modes: 
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Regus - 9/24/2012 5:52:02 AM
Add medialibrary in newsite
I created several newsitems. I would like to show the content of a medialibrary INTO my newsitem.

So, if I open a newsitem, it shows the details of that newsitem. On the bottom, I would like to show the thumbnails of a certain media library. When clicking on it, it has to show the image in a popup (lightbox-style if possible).

Is this possible ? If yes, how ?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 9/24/2012 6:52:05 AM
RE:Add medialibrary in newsite

I would recommend you to use the Media File datasource webpart in cooperation with the Media File List webpart. This will allow you to show up all the files within appropriate media library. This media library can be chosen within the Media File List webpart properties.

Once you have all the files in the datasource, it is just about correct transformation. Basically, you'll need to have correct syntax when speaking about an external JavaScript Lightbox solution.. Then you'll append the CSS styles and JavaScripts to the master page and you are all set.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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Regus - 9/25/2012 10:04:25 AM
RE:Add medialibrary in newsite
Is this the only approach ? This is quite complicated for an editor. Isn't it possible with some widget ?

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Regus - 9/26/2012 2:40:04 AM
RE:Add medialibrary in newsite
I've managed to get a simple solution. I enabled the widget "media library" so it could be used in the editor. This is wat I do :

1) go to site manager --> development --> widgets
2) open the properties of the widget called "media gallery"
3) go to the security options of this widget and enable "This widget can be used as inline widget"

Now, if I add a newsitem, I'm able to include the widget and link it to an existing medialibrary.