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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > DropDownList On Selection in documentype View modes: 
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oohoangthienoo-gmail - 10/1/2012 11:02:18 AM
DropDownList On Selection in documentype
I want to create a DropDownList as shown below in documentype
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liquidmagic - 10/1/2012 8:12:17 PM
RE:DropDownList On Selection in documentype

There is a webpart for this. Check the marketplace.


I hope this helps.


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oohoangthienoo-gmail - 10/3/2012 7:11:30 AM
RE:DropDownList On Selection in documentype
I want to display the Advanced-Drop-Down-List in a documentype when your new 1 new post
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oohoangthienoo-gmail - 10/3/2012 11:30:55 AM
RE:DropDownList On Selection in documentype
Custom Document Types

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kentico_jurajo - 10/4/2012 1:20:20 AM
RE:DropDownList On Selection in documentype

This is easily possible to do in version 7 using the dependency fields. Otherwise you need to create a custom form control which will consist of the set of drop downs.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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oohoangthienoo-gmail - 10/4/2012 3:10:37 AM
RE:DropDownList On Selection in documentype
I am using Kentico 6 and I do not know how to use the dependency fields, you can help guide me

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Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/4/2012 3:24:37 AM
RE:DropDownList On Selection in documentype

As I said in my previous post - it can be done using that fields in version 7 according to the linked KB article.

In version 6 you need to create a custom form control - this control will have all the drop downs in it and you will load them dynamically.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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oohoangthienoo-gmail - 10/4/2012 3:35:05 AM
RE:DropDownList On Selection in documentype

when I create a custom form control, but I just saved one field,
I have one example as follows:
field 1: city
field 2: districts

City: [...............................]
districts: [...........................]
I have dependency fields, I can not save in the second field in each case, can you guide me how can use. thanks

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kentico_jurajo - 10/4/2012 3:54:02 AM
RE:DropDownList On Selection in documentype

The form control will cover both fields - it will act like one. The form control will display two drop downs - since you will have two drop downs in it. Then, in the code behind of the form control you will fill the first drop down with values. The second drop down will be filled dynamically in the Selected item or index change of the first one dynamically depending on your rules.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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oohoangthienoo-gmail - 10/4/2012 4:29:47 AM
RE:DropDownList On Selection in documentype

I want to save 2 fields in 2 colum different

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/4/2012 6:18:30 AM
RE:DropDownList On Selection in documentype

I will repeat myself - you can do it easily in version 7. Regrettably, this is a new feature so it is not available in version 6 which means you can go with the approach I suggested or, you can develop it in a fully custom way using ASP.Net framework and customize the CMS Form tab functionality according your needs - this is up to you.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Jiveabillion - 10/9/2012 11:16:12 AM
RE:DropDownList On Selection in documentype
You can do this in version 6, but it isn't as easy as in version 7. You have to create a custom form control.

Here is a thread where I explain how to do it

Here is some info/suggestions to get you started:

1. Make your custom form control have settings to indicate which fields of your document type are to be used for the Country,State, and City Fields

2. When you create your document type, use this custom control on the Country field and set the State and City fields to not show in the form. Set the settings mentioned above to these field names.

3. In the GetOtherValues method of your custom form control, return the selected values of the dropdown lists assigned to the fields that were configured in the control's settings.

4. Don't forget to write the code that populates and selects the items in the dropdown lists when the user is editing the document.