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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Editable Text Widget View modes: 
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treed - 11/20/2012 2:17:19 PM
Editable Text Widget
So I'm having a strange problem with a simple widget I have created a using the Editable Text web part. The new widget seems to be adding text to itself each time I save the page.

Here is what I've done so far. Created a widget using the Editable Text web part. I have not set any special permissions within this widget. When I add the widget to a page's web part zone it's content area is blank. Then without adding any text to the widget I save the page. When the page saves and refreshes it now has text within it, a comma. Each time I save the page it adds a comma to the content area. It doesn't matter what I do even when I delete all of the content from with the widget and then save it again the widget seems to add the content back into the content area and appends another comma to the text I've just deleted.

Any ideas why my editable text widget would be randomly adding text to itself upon saving and not letting me clear out the text and save it blank?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 11/28/2012 2:26:35 AM
RE:Editable Text Widget

What is the exact version of the CMS you are using please?
I tried it on v6 with latest hotfix and also in several browsers - Firefox, Chrome and IE9 and it is working just fine.

Were there made any customizations before?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus