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Version 5.x > ASPX templates > OutputFilter and Post-Cache Substitution View modes: 
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Rick - 9/15/2010 2:13:51 PM
OutputFilter and Post-Cache Substitution
We are trying to use Post-Cache Substitution on our Kentico site. This causes an error about Response filters. It works great if we disable the Kentico OutputFilterModule.

That would be fine, except that controls like Editable Region rely on the OutputFilterModule to fix image paths, etc. Ideally, the editable region would emit proper image paths, and we wouldn't need to use OutputFilterModule.

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Rick - 9/15/2010 2:15:43 PM
RE:OutputFilter and Post-Cache Substitution
Sorry, correction - we're not using editable region, just a Rich HTML field on a document type, but images uploaded to it are emitting as ~/getattachment/(id), instead of being resolved.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/8/2010 7:54:41 AM
RE:OutputFilter and Post-Cache Substitution

I forwarded the link to the article to our developers to take a look and consider it for future versions. However, right now the path couldn't be absolute - because you can have different domain and application path on development and production servers, so after export/import it will break all the links.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Rick - 10/8/2010 10:54:44 AM
RE:OutputFilter and Post-Cache Substitution
Thank you for your response. I was able to look through the code and found "HTMLHelper.ResolveUrls", which helps with this issue.

I was not suggesting that the urls were absolute in data, just that the editable region control might resolve the urls at Rendering time. I was able to work around it with the above method.