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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Pasting text into live forum post View modes: 
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ewanm - 7/20/2010 10:24:03 AM
Pasting text into live forum post
I require to be able to paste text into a live forum thread. I would also like to be able to right click on the text area and see a pop-up menu. At the moment I do not get a menu and if I paste text using the keyboard, it appears then quickly disappears. In your forum, the menu and the paste works ok, is there a setting somewhere?

I am currently using version 5.0.3656.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/22/2010 7:42:57 AM
RE:Pasting text into live forum post

If I am getting the right meaning, you are not able to get the default browser's menu which has nothing to do with Kentico CMS. What kind of browser and operating system do you use? Is it possible to see this issue somewhere online? Have you tried this on some other machine? Also, are you using any javasrcipts on your site?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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ewanm - 7/22/2010 8:15:14 AM
RE:Pasting text into live forum post
I am using an Apple MAC OSX with Safari, both at the latest revision. I have tried in Google Chrome and get the same results. When I try it in our site, I get no menu and cannot paste. when I try it in your forum using the same machine and the same browser, I get a menu and can paste. I do not have any java content on our site. The site is a simple forum using your template as a starting point.

You can get to the development site using http://www.assetguardianforums.com and log in using User Name: kentico and password: test1234


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/22/2010 8:32:52 AM
RE:Pasting text into live forum post

The difference between your and our forums is in the editor - on our forums we are using BBcode editor whereas on your site you have enabled WYSIWYG Editor, which is more risky. I think that there are some special settings in the browser to allow the right context menus in editable regions - again because of security reasons.

The disappearing text - what is in the text. If you paste it to some plain text txt file - are there any styles or any mess which could cause that it will disappear?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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ewanm - 7/22/2010 9:25:23 AM
RE:Pasting text into live forum post
Hi there,

Changed to BBcode and everything including pasting of text works great.

The text was just text, no styles, only text.

Thanks for your response.
