Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Managing Users In CMS View modes: 
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wai@federationmedia.com - 7/19/2010 10:51:27 PM
Managing Users In CMS

Let me explain the problem. I would like to have 2 registration forms on the website. One of them to buy stuff and one of them to access the secure section on the website.

I have created separate roles in the cms to handle the users.

I would like to know the best way to handle this data because of unique email address issues. I know that we can have same email address but different usernames. I am currently not using username and that the usernames are the email addresses when user fills in the registration form.

Please note a user with a same email address can register in both forms to access different areas. Can anyone shed some light on this.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 7/22/2010 9:47:31 AM
RE:Managing Users In CMS

I would recommnend you using roles for the areas. One role for the secure section and one role for the shop. Then you can check the role when they access the appropriate page. You can create custom web part where they can submit assigning to those roles. The user would have one account and username in this case.

The second possibility is using two accounts for one user. Then you can customize registration form web parts so that they show the field for username and do not use e-mail address as usernames. Then you can enable the same e-mail addresses for user in:

Site manager -> Settings -> Membership -> (Site: <your site>) -> Require unique user e-mails: unchecked

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova