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evdn-centiq - 2/23/2010 5:35:18 AM
Question about the newletter module
Hello Kentico,

I am using the free 4.1 version of Kentico CMS.
I have a question about the newsletter module.
I have made a dynamic newletter, and it is scheduled to send the newsletters every tuesdag at 22.00 o' clock.
The first time the newletter was send on time, but the second and third it didn't.
The second time it was send a day later around 07.00 o' clock, and the third time it was send a day to early around 07.00 o' clock.
Do you have an explanation for this, and how can I solve this?

Greetings Edwin

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kentico_martind - 3/5/2010 3:00:27 PM
RE:Question about the newletter module
Hi Edwin,

Scheduled task for sending newsletter is executed on the first request after specified time. Is it possible that the site has been inactive between 22:00 and 7:00?
Could you please optionally check if there are any events that occurred that time and that are related to scheduler in SiteManager -> Administration -> Event log section?

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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jashut-gmail - 7/5/2010 6:01:14 PM
RE:Question about the newletter module
Yes that's true. scheduled tasks run only if site is active. Hi kentico_martind, can you please suggest any alternative solutions for this. I mean good solution to keep my site always active.


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kentico_ondrejv - 7/8/2010 4:29:29 AM
RE:Question about the newletter module

Actually scheduler starts only when some page is hit by default as it's described in following article: devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/scheduler_overview.htm (at the very bottom).
As documentation says - you can do that by using some utility or an external service that requests the home page of your web site on a regular basis.

However you can still try to set CMSUseAutomaticScheduler key in the web.config file to true.
Please see more details here: devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/web_config_parameters.htm. Well, some customers had issues with this settings key, please try it on your site if it will work for you.

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil