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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Windows Live Writer Permissions View modes: 
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Mercer - 7/19/2010 1:19:28 AM
Windows Live Writer Permissions
I am trying to connect to my blog using WLW and receive the following error after entering the user name, password and connection string.

A successful connection was made to your account however the server reported that you do not currently have an active blog. Please ensure that your account with this provider is current before proceeding.

Using blog page security settings, I have granted the user full permissions. (Tools/blogs/edit/properties/security) If I change the owner of the blog to this user, WLW connects. Are their security settings or permissions I am missing? I have read through the documentation and I don't see anything listed about permissions needed to add a new posts.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
Kentico_IvanaT - 7/23/2010 6:48:49 AM
RE:Windows Live Writer Permissions

unfortunatelly you are not allowed to connect to the blog via WLW if you are not the owner of the blog. So adding user in Security tab will not grant him editation and connection rights in WLW.

We submitted this request to our product manager. He will consider adding this feature to one of next versions.

Best Regards.

Ivana Tomanickova