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1228 - 9/12/2010 7:25:03 PM
Change the style of the Site Map?

I added a page with a site map web part but how do I configure it so it shows subsites like in the example: http://www.kentico.com/docs/devguide/devguide_clip0235.zoom70.png ?

As it is now my site map just have one list with with no distinction of parent sites and sub sites (sub sites have some indentation in the example above).

Thanks in advance.

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gavin.eggheaddesign - 9/13/2010 3:51:31 AM
RE:Change the style of the Site Map?
Hi, When you refer to 'subsites' do you mean sub-pages? Are the sub-pages displaying but at the same horizontal position as all the others?

If that is the case than it is possible that the margin/padding for ul has been removed. Try targeting your sitemap in the CSS and set sub-page items with margin to the left, so: -
 #SITEMAPNAME ul li ul {
margin-left: 20px;

or something similar?

Hope this helps

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1228 - 9/13/2010 6:22:51 PM
RE:Change the style of the Site Map?
It did help,

Thanks for that Gavin.